Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Lead by Jenna Miller, MOT, OTR/L

Occupational therapists can address a variety of disabilities including physical, cognitive, and mental health related disorders.

Occupational therapy works with people across the lifespan after an injury, illness, or disability to help them become as independent as possible in activities they need or want to do in daily life. Occupational therapy can use a variety of strategies to assist individuals return to tasks or activities that they find important in life. Intervention can address true physical skill and functional ability, but can also include activity modification, altering the environment in order to make activities safer overall for a person to perform, allowing for a greater sense of freedom and independence following an injury or illness.

Some of the people we assist are diagnosed with conditions or injuries such as: Trigger Finger, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Burn Injuries, CVA/ stroke, Cumulative Trauma Disorders, Hand Injuries (including fracture), Spinal Cord Injuries, and Cerebral Palsy. Physicians may also refer people for occupational therapy following a surgical procedure to the hand or elbow to enhance the healing process.

An evaluation for occupational therapy is available upon physician referral. Please call our office if you have questions regarding the referral process, health insurance reimbursement, or to schedule an appointment.

Hand Therapy

Occupational therapists specializing in hand therapy can provide rehabilitative interventions allowing the hand to function properly in addition to preventing further injury.


People who are diagnosed with a neurological related disease, disorder, or injury often experience a decline in function and/or independence. This can be a scary time in their lives.

Our occupational therapists evaluate the person for strengths and deficits and determine ways in which a person can return to their life routines safely and successfully. Therapeutic intervention and goals are developed by working as a team with the patient, family, physician, caretakers, and therapist. Our occupational therapy team’s goals are the same as the patient’s goals: to return or maintain as productive and meaningful lives as possible.

Felicia & Kiddo's OT Experiance

In 2017 Felicia brought her kids to Carter Rehabilitation & Aquatic Center due to sensory issues. And was very pleased with how caring and gentle the treating therapists were with her children. She then returned to Carter after developing carpal tunnel in her right hand and has since made a full recovery. Thank you, Felicia, for sharing your story.

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